Most Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions and Answers

Charles Medical School. vaccine, chemist, syringe

Applying for medical studies

How to get started with your medical degree?

Deciding that you are going to start a medical degree will be, perhaps, one of the biggest and most important decisions that you’ll take in your life.

You will have many questions and it may be overwhelming at first, but you have nothing to worry anymore.

We have created this set of most common questions and answers so you also, can easily understand the process of starting your medical degree and applying for the entrance medical admission exams.

All you need to know about how to apply and what is required from you

Applying for medical studies

All medical universities want to select capable students.

You have to prove to them that you are a good fit and that you will be a good student and ultimately become a good doctor or physician.

The international programmes select their applicants based on different factors and in most occasions, they offer the students a chance to pass an admission test that will prove their knowledge and capabilities to study medicine.

The good news for these type of entry requirements is that you don’t have to have excellent grades at all for the application, and by simply having a complete secondary school diploma or A levels equivalent will be enough for you to apply.

An admission exam will be given to you then, and you will have the chance to do well and be accepted based on that exam. This means that pretty much any student who completed high school could get accepted to many excellent and prestigious medical schools.

The short answer to this question is “yes”, but there’s a catch to it.

The entrance admission exams are difficult and you should be aware of that.

Students are invited to apply for the exams but only a small percentage will be accepted and from that small percentage, usually, the vast majority are candidates that have been preparing for months to take the exams.

There are no shortcuts to success and unfortunately, there are no secrets to pass the exams. Only hard work and months of dedication will get you there.

The exams are multiple choice, usually they are in the range from 70 to 120 questions that will have 5 possible answers.

There will be three sections, one in biology, one in chemistry and one in physics for which they will be graded individually and then each result added to have a final result.

Usually these exams are between 2 hours to 2.5 hours long.

Applicants are required to complete all sections withing these time frames and of course the goal is to have as many correct answers as possible before the time is due.

There are three main period of exams each year.

The first one is in January, the second one in May, and the third one in June/July.

Usually, the universities allow students to apply up to two weeks before the date of the exam.

In most cases, you will need your high school diploma and transcripts of grades. 

You will need to present the original documents and a translated copy to English or the Czech language.

You will need your passport copy, passport pictures, a certificate of good health from your family doctor, a CV and a motivational letter.

Other documents may be required by the university if they see it necessary.

The admission exams may take place in several locations or even online if the university decides so.

Usually,  they take place at the university itself and at other designated locations according to different factors.

At King Charles Premedical College, we make this step easy for you by organizing the examinations individually and giving you the option for a more personal, more relaxed and better experience, usually with less applicants and at a separate date at our own centre.

Another option is online exams, and if that’s the case, we’ll organize them at a separate date with us and we’ll instruct you well about the given guidelines.

Applying for exams may be stressful. You have to submit the required documents on time and create an account with the university on their website.

If you are part of our programme, then you have nothing to worry about as we will go over the registration process together, make sure your documents are correct and submit them for the exam. We will also update the university immediately with our candidates and in this way, you will be sure that you have a place in the exam.

If you decided already to apply by yourself, here are the links with instructions on how to start an application for Charles University, for all its faculties:

Visit Charles University online application

For Palacky University, you may start an online application here: Visit Palacky University online application

The universities have confirmed with us that all studies are being planned as scheduled and that all will start and continue as normal as possible despite the current situation.

The studies at the universities therefore are ready to take place online if needed to be so and the different faculties are already set for online studies.

Exams, can also be taken online and we have already experienced with our last two terms having much success with many students being accepted.

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