Charles University First Faculty Of Medicine

Charles University First Faculty Of Medicine

Why Choose Charles University First Faculty of Medicine?

Considering the option of pursuing medicine in Europe? How would you like to be a part of a 673-year-old legacy? Welcome to Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine! Founded in 1348 by the King of Bohemia and the Roman Emperor, Charles the Fourth, this historical institution happens to be the oldest medical faculty in Central Europe and one of the most prestigious.

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Why Earn Your Medical Degree from Charles University?

There are more reasons than one why you should consider seeking admission to this Prague institution. Let’s list them up:

  • The study medicine abroad program is one of the most attractive programs designed for international students.
  • With its mission to establish itself as the top European institution in the field of biomedical research, Charles University houses one of the most cutting-edge research facilities in Central Europe.
  • The University gets the research funding from three primary sources – the Grant Agencies of the Ministry of Education and of Charles University, the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, and the Ministry of Health Grant Agency.
  • As one of the most dynamic entities within the European medical education system, the 1st Faculty is connected with the global medical ecosystem. As such, the university maintains close ties with the medical departments of top-notch medical schools and research institutions throughout Europe and beyond it.
  • Some of the universities with which Charles maintains a deep academic relationship include Harvard Medical School (USA), University of Munich, University of Birmingham (UK), and European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg among others.
  • Charles University 1st Faculty Of Medicine is also known for its periodic internal evaluation system. These frequent assessments are aimed at igniting intellectual curiosities in young minds.
  • Students are encouraged to take up research projects through outstanding research training programs.


Programs Available in Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine

This premier medical school offers a full-time program in medicine, stomatology/dentistry. The program lasts for six years just like many other international programs.

Besides full-time courses, Charles also offers professional programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

A three-year bachelor’s program offered for nursing, ergotherapy, sanitary technology, and health education) is immensely popular among international students.

What is the best part about these courses? They are taught in multiple languages, not just Czech. It’s really praiseworthy that this university does not discriminate in offering scholarships on the basis of the language chosen. International students can apply for scholarships irrespective of the language chosen.

Here’s some trivia for the history buff. Throughout the middle ages, Latin was the medium of teaching at Charles University. German replaced Latin after the Austrian monarchy took over the country. The Czech language became the official medium of teaching in 1833. It was not until 1992 that the English language was included as the medium of instruction. Today, these English language courses are taught alongside the native language.


Laboratories And Libraries – Two Jewels on Its Crown

The university has utilized a large part of the funding coming from the ministry of education on developing a futuristic research infrastructure that boasts of all cutting-edge technologies.

Apart from its laboratories, Central Faculty Library is another feather in the hat of the Charles University Faculty of Medicine. The library belongs to the Institute of Scientific Information of the Faculty. It is the repository of nearly half a million volumes of scientific literature. It also includes 350 scientific periodicals of which, 237 are foreign publications.

The Wonderful Staff

No account of the First Faculty will be complete without the mention of its amazing faculty which consists of around 1 200 staff members. The professors here are famous for their participation in the internationally acclaimed research programs including EMPUS-PHARE, ERASMUS-SOCRATES, and CEEPUS among others. Every year, a huge number of academics and scientists receive awards from the education ministry for their contributions to medical science.

Want to be a part of the 3,400-strong student community at the Charles University First Faculty of Medicine? To know more about this historical institution and its course details, visit the university website.