All you need to know about medical schools in Czech Republic

5 Obstacles to Tackle for A Degree in Medicine

Medical Studies

Admissions to Med School

Achieving acceptance for a Degree in Medicine

How would you like to start your degree in medicine on the next academic year?

If you are keen to achieve this goal, you must know what lays ahead so you can overpass it and be well prepared when is time to face it.

Here there are 5 facts that you should consider when going for a degree in medicine abroad or in your home country.


1. A Degree in Medicine will be hard!

Lots of students dream of becoming doctors one day.

This is a great dream and it is possible to do it, but like all dreams, you will have to fight hard in order to make it a reality.

A degree in medicine will demand from you mental maturity, decision making and courage to study a lot during your whole medical degree.

During your studies, you will have breaking moments but those moments are the difference between the ones who succeed and the ones who don’t. Learn how to overpass those tough moments and you’ll be one step closer to your goal.

elephant, hard, pressure

2. Failure is not all bad!

Failing a class or an exam is frustrating and sometimes can be devastating, but the reality is that everyone fails sometimes!

It is not possible to be always a perfect student, performer, or even a doctor but we will attempt to have near perfection performance always.

Failing is part of life and the moment you realize that failure is only a lesson or even an opportunity to do better next time, you’ll be ready to move on and succeed.

If failure wins over you and you do not try again, then it will be the end of your career and your dreams of becoming a doctor one day. Embrace failure when it gets you and take it to perform better on your next try.

study abroad

3. Ask for help when needed!

Don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand when something seems too difficult to be understood on your own. Helping others help oneself and you’ll be surprised on how many good souls you can find to offer you help. You will do the same when the turns comes your way!

refugees, run away, the robber's head

4. Never overestimate an assignment or exam

It is easy to think we know it all, especially when we are young and ambitious. 

The truth is that we will not be ready for most of what’s about to come. 

Prepare for exams with people who know how to prepare and don’t try to save money during your studies on your studies! Get advise from experts, consult senior students and accept help from professionals. It will be all worth it in the end!

to read the book, library, reading

5. Make studies your first priority

It’s easy to forget what your priorities are, especially when you are far from your family if you study abroad.

While you are a medical student, your number one priority should be studies. The rest can wait; parties, family disputes, or even those moments in which you miss someone you love. You’re on the path of becoming a doctor and that should be your number one duty over all.

guy, man, reading, medicine with a foundation year


Medical studies and getting into a degree in Medicine will not be easy, it will be hard, but it will be the best thing that happened to you. Keep fighting for what you came for, get your medical degree and prepare better than the competition. Accept help from professionals and give a reason to your family and others to be really proud of what you have achieved.

graduation, ceremony, joy

Keep informing yourself and read our other posts on medical studies in the Czech Republic.

All you need to know about medical studies in Czech Republic