All you need to know about medical schools in Czech Republic

6 Reasons to study your medical degree abroad

Medical Studies

Study in Prague

Medical Degree Abroad

Thousands of students decide to do their medical degree abroad each year and while many reasons may apply to different people, there are always certain factors that repeat with the vast majority of applicants.

First of all, it’s human nature to explore new things and try something different from time to time. We are in constant search for the change, for improvements and for something better to come.

Medical studies abroad are a very popular choice for many students and the career in medicine is growing each time. People are prompted to help others and in many ways, becoming a doctor portrays that.

After years of asking the same question over and over to different students all over the world, almost every time the same answer comes up.

“Why do you want to become a doctor? – Because I want to help others”

The truth is that we can help others in pretty much every profession we choose, but for some reason, becoming a doctor means that in the first place.

Despite this fact, many students will try to become doctors for so many different reasons that are just not possible to describe them all here, but among the most common ones are: Family of doctors, an always dream that one must reach, a passion for science among others.

But the question remains; why would someone choose to go for a medical degree abroad, away from home? – After gathering much information from the different students, this is what they answer.

*Disclaimer – Our selection of points are not categorized in any way and they don’t mean a certain order on how students choose to study abroad.

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Table of contents

1. Getting accepted to a medical degree in your own country it's near impossible

One of, or the most common reason for students to go for a doctor’s degree abroad, usually involves their current situation with grades or the path they took in high school don’t allow them to apply in their country.

Just ask yourselves if you had the chances to apply in your country, would you do it? – The majority of students who were asked this question answered “yes”, but the situation is different and in most cases, thousands of students each year are forced to search for alternatives due to this factor.

Medical studies abroad, in the international programmes will allow you to do so in most cases, and start an excellent medical degree despite the past of your grades or study track you took in school.

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2. A none scientific study track was followed until now

Similar to our point number one above, many of the applicants chose to follow a different study track and some even have professions non-related to science at all.

Usually, these type of students are the ones who for different reasons decided to do something else in school and in life but then, they realized that their true passion was in the medical field. In most cases, these type of students are trapped in a life track they would prefer not to be and they feel they have no more alternatives but guess what, they do!

If you identify yourself in this group, you should know that many international programmes abroad, give the chance to anyone who wants to join despite their previous background and for instance, a few months of intense preparation may just give you what you wouldn’t think it was possible.

Year after year this situation repeats for many students and surprise comes when they realize that they should have done this much earlier, but the truth is that is NEVER too late!

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3. A strong sense of adventure and desire to experience different cultures

One common answer from students is the wish to exit their comfort zone, their daily lives and see the world.

Many different researches have shown that travelling and meeting new people in other parts of the world have really positive effects on people. These adventurers tend to open up, study better and develop new skills.

The sense of survival in us (living beings) may be the strongest instinct of all, and moving to an unknown place and meeting new people, learning a new language and making it through awakes that instinct which in many ways it works for our own good.

If your intention to study your medical degree abroad reflects this feeling, you’re not alone and you’ll be happy to know that you will most likely find many other students just like you.

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4. You know someone who did it and loved it

This is a very common reason, but perhaps the less popular out of all, but nonetheless, we get every year many students that are driven by relatives or close friends who are already studying in the international programmes or did it and it was a blast for them.

Usually these students have an advantage because the fact that they already know someone who has done their medical degree overseas or away from home, they get all the heads up and they can get advised on the best to do and what not to do while being an international student.

If you’re in this group of people, you are already with one foot there and you know it.

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5. A medical degree in Europe it's much more affordable

For many developed countries, the medical degree at a local university it’s extremely expensive and usually students see themselves with huge debts after college.

European medical degrees are thousands of dollars cheaper than their North American counter parts for most cases, and the medical degrees abroad for the international programmes are no exception to that.

If you’re from the U.S or Canada, you know what we mean.

Studying your medical degree in Europe may mean the difference between being deep in debt after graduation or not, and many European universities are also accredited in  North America and usually students take the USMLE and have no issues coming back home to do clinical rotations or specializations and eventually obtaining their medical license at your home country.

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6. Real Stories, Real Life of Medical Students Abroad

If you are reading this, we can assume that you are considering your medical degree abroad as well. Fortunately, on your way, you’ll meet other tens of students just like you. Some are already doing it, some will do it after you, but others have already done it and you can learn from them and get inspired with their stories.

We’ve met students who went to Charles University only to understand how different it is to actually become a med student, and we’ve met others who studied at Palacky and learned that nothing could be more perfect than living among other students in a true student European town.

Some students go to medical school straight after their high school but also, some decided to go on a different path after perhaps, years of being involved with a different career.

The truth is that it is never too late and if you ever dreamed of becoming a medical doctor, then perhaps, a medical degree abroad is your answer.

If you’d like to read more about it and get some real stories from real med students you’re most welcome to click on this the following link:

Student Stories

If you’d like to know why European medical degrees are cheaper than universities in North America click here:

Don’t give up and follow your dreams always.

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Final Thoughts & Conclusion

While thousands of students made up their mind long time ago about taking their medical degree abroad, many other struggle when it comes to making the final decision but the truth is that no matter the excuse, studying your medical degree abroad will be an adventure, a great international experience and a good way to jump-start your medical degree and future career.

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Keep informing yourself and read our other posts on medical studies in the Czech Republic.

All you need to know about medical studies in Czech Republic